We’ve all seen countless movies where protagonists have beautiful, elaborate weddings and everything looks perfect. As we watch the bride walk down the aisle towards her happily ever after, we fall in love ourselves with her absolutely stunning hairstyle.
Flowers woven intricately into the hair or sitting gracefully as if simply laid there look incredible. Done right, it’s hard for people to even imagine how they did it.
For most people, they can’t even tuck a flower behind their ear without it going crooked or falling straight off! What are some of the best ways to get that fantastic flower look?
Well, the first thing to keep in mind is that each of these movie stars or people in pictures has a team of professional hairstylists keeping their hair picture-perfect. That’s how they still look flawless when they’ve just run through the pouring rain!
But, even if you don’t have someone hired for your hair and your mom’s doing it, here are our best 11 ideas and strategies for how to put fresh flowers in your hair for your perfect wedding-day hairstyle.
Table of Contents
Braided Bouquets
You can’t expect a flower to stay in your hair if you just place it on top– it needs something to grip. A great way to create a natural grip for flowers is a braid.
1. Chrysanthemum Crown

You could do a crown braid, with all or just a small portion of your hair creating a braided headband across the top of your head.
Then, place flowers into the spaces between the interwoven strands in order to create a space for them to hold on to.
2. Waterlily Waterfall
Another braided option is a flower waterfall, but this one would add ribbons. First, braid your hair from your face back, perpendicular to the ground in a waterfall braid (instructions on how to do a waterfall braid can be found here: How to Do a Waterfall Braid | Real Simple.
Then, take long pieces of ribbon– a couple of inches longer than the length of your hair– and thread them through spaces in the braids. Tie a slip knot in the part at the top in the braid, adjusting so that the ribbon is the same length as your hair.
Lastly, add flowers above the ribbons and make it look like the flowers are causing these beautiful waterfalls of hair and ribbon!
3. Sunflower Streamers

Instead of taking the flowers from front to back, let’s try from top to bottom! To make these streamers, simply braid smaller strands of your hair from the crown of your head to the ends. Do this in as many places as you want, creating little braided streamers alongside your strands that are down.
Then, add flowers all along the braid! You can spread them out in individual spots or clusters along the braid, or fill up every inch of the braids! This will create the appearance of streamers of flowers flowing down your hair.
For All Braid Options
Remember to leave a short stem on the flowers for them to be inserted far enough to stay put. A half-inch to an inch is probably the best length to go for but can be adjusted by how thick the hair is and the depth of the braid.
Floral Accessories
Perhaps a braid isn’t for you. You’ve been wanting an intricate bun, or your hair to be flowing freely in beach waves or soft ringlet curls. However, you’d still like a little something with flowers in your hair!
Well, if you’re okay not being directly woven in, there are some options that would put flowers on your head without them looking like they’re part of your hair.
4. Hibiscus Headband
This creates something like a flower crown but would be instantly removable. This may be appealing if you only want them for a photo shoot or part of the evening.
To create this crown, purchase a wire headband either with a mesh design or a woven design that will grip the flowers. Then, either fill it before or once you’re wearing it with flowers by poking them into the holes of the mesh or the spaces in the strands.
This will create an appearance of a full, blooming crown of flowers on your head, without the commitment of weaving them into your hair and having to pull them out after.
5. Violet Veil

In order for this to work, you will need to use very small and light flowers, but if done correctly it will be stunning!
Take your veil, which is typically made of mesh with small holes for transparency, and decorate it with tiny flowers interspersed throughout the whole thing! It will create a very dainty, elegant fairytale effect like little colorful stars.
6. Cordelia Clips
This is a quick solution if you want a flower by the ear or something along those lines.
Take a barette, and either one large flower or a small bouquet of flowers (if the bouquet, tie the stems together with a small string or ribbon). Then, insert them in the barette hole, place it in your hair, and clip it closed.
The clip will keep the flowers in place while holding onto your hair, keeping everything perfectly in line for your walk down the aisle to your father-daughter dance.
Remember, these are fresh flowers. They will still have pollen in them, which may attract bees, especially if you are outside and have flowers all around your venue.
To keep you from looking like a beekeeper in your photos (especially with you wearing white and a veil!), we suggest a few different options.
1. Wedding Greenhouse
Have your wedding in an enclosed space, whether in a building or outdoors in a tent.
This will limit the access bees have to your hair to how often the door is opened, which can easily be controlled by a couple of trusted guests or attendants.
2. Christmas Ceremony

Set the date in the winter. In the fall and winter, bees are much less active.
Then you may have as many flowers as you desire, and be content with the fact that few if no little black-and-yellow pests will show up to torment you while you enjoy the celebration.
3. Finishing Touches
If you are dead set on having an outdoor wedding right smack in the middle of spring or summer, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Regardless of your efforts, you will most likely have a little symphony of buzzing sounds following you around.
Keep the bees at bay by waiting until the last minute to put the flowers in your hair. Your flowers still stay fresh while they’re in your hair, and you don’t have to worry about pests.
4. Accommodating Accessories
Or, if you’re not committed to the idea of flowers woven into your hair, you might consider one of the accessory options.
Accessories make flowers easy to take on and off, which will allow for putting them on at the last minute and being free to quickly whisk them off if a swarm of bees starts making its way towards you!
5. Floral Fringes
You can also try to divert the bees by moving all of your other floral decorations to the edges of the venue.
This will keep them busy on the outskirts of your ceremony and hopefully discourage them from wandering into the middle and discovering your flowery hair.
If All Else Fails
As a last resort, you need to put the flowers in early because it’ll take a long time. If you’re getting married, you have an excuse!
The bride isn’t supposed to be seen by the groom before she walks down the aisle anyway, so hide from him and the bees by staying in an enclosed space until it’s your time to walk.

Try Flower Arrangements Early
There are so many little details that go into weddings, and if ignored, they can ruin a day that is supposed to be one of the best of your life.
Wanting fresh flowers in your hair on wedding day is a beautiful concept. Naturally, a lot of people worry about their big day and how they’ll look.
How do I style my hair with flowers? How do I get them to stay in place? How do I keep the bugs at bay? Try out a few things beforehand so you know exactly what to do on your special day.
Well, we want you to get everything you’ve dreamed of for your wedding day, and if that means live flowers, it means live flowers! Hopefully, our suggestions give you some inspiration into how to make your ideal wedding look come true.