9 Wording Ideas When  Guests Should Pay for  Their Own Meal

9 Wording Ideas When  Guests Should Pay for  Their Own Meal

Sometimes planning a wedding or some other special occasion costs more than you thought. Even though hosts mostly cover all the expenses, it’s okay if you want to let your guests know they’re supposed to cover their part.

Every host determines the rules of their celebration. That means, you as a host, decide what you want to offer to your guests and which things you are willing to pay.

When Should Guests Pay Their Own Meal?

However, don’t forget to mention that part in invitations to avoid confusion.

How To Tell Your Guests They’re  Paying For Their Meal

After listing the location and the restaurant name, include the menu with prices. That’s a clear sign for your guests to calculate the total expenses and prepare to pay for their meal

Instead of Gifts, You Can Pay! We are truly blessed with everything we need, and truly don’t need gifts. Instead, we are kindly asking you to RSVP by paying $60 per person towards the meal.

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You Can Reach People By The Phone!

Sometimes it is easier to say certain things over the phone, because it will sound less formal than a written message

‘No Host’ Invitation

The accurate term for the situation where you expect your guests to pay is No Host. Certain social circles would recognize this term without further explanations, while the others could get confused by it

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