To most people, being a wedding usher is a professional duty. But there are some who look at it as an honor, especially if they are close to the bride or the groom.
Back in the old days, ushers were generally males. But in today’s world, there are no set-in-stone rules for that. After all, it is your wedding, and gender doesn’t determine how well the ceremonies go.
* Make sure to pick up the attire, tux, or suits that follow the dress code and wedding protocol. Find the right fit and sizes for the outfit.* Do a quick meet-up with everyone who is going to be involved with the wedding
* Attend the rehearsal on time. Make a plan to arrive at the wedding venue at least one hour before the ceremony.
* Assist the best man in giving the groom the best possible experience he could have.
* Be at the wedding venue at least one hour before the ceremony begins.* Stand at the door and hand out the order of service.* Check for any last-minute requests.* Assist and direct the guests to their seating when they arrive.