Are Boutonnieres Out of Style?

To some people, boutonnieres are out of style. To these people, boutonnieres do not seem necessary anymore. Hence, the thought that they are old-fashioned. But while that notion exists, you will still find boutonnieres at many weddings.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner
Blue Rings
White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner
Blue Rings

Men wear boutonnieres at a wedding for many reasons

As a fashion statement

As a sign of unity

As a sign of gratitude




If you cannot or do not want to wear a boutonniere, you can wear a lapel pin. A lapel pin goes in the same spot as a boutonniere. However, unlike boutonnieres, a lapel pin is easier to wear.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner
Blue Rings

Boutonnieres are typically reserved for the groom, the wedding party, and any other person the couple wants to show some extra love or honor. But guests can also wear a boutonniere.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner
Blue Rings

There is no consensus on the trendiness of boutonnieres. So, it is up to you whether to use a boutonniere or not.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner
Blue Rings